* * *
We hear: tuberculosis dispensary, write: a lunatic asylum
A pair of weeks approximately and you can be dreamed of easily
In lilies, in wet waterweed, or in greedy mud of the bayou
You will be peeping and sleeping, in your shoes with a bubbling sound
hear: a concert by people's request, write: a theatre near the mic
think just logical: how to count the bows at this all-night gig
with your face scraping the pavement, hear a violin out of tune
everything is upturned - but even this way I'm well
hear: a black market trade, write: a seasonal sale
of one's own body - summer - I didn't save much anyway
not even a sugar-basin, a toy plush dog or a kitten,
or even a black silver spoon - hence these vitamin pills I'm eatin'.
(translated by Georgy Manaev)
* * *
but anna
anna is getting married
anna will be a wife to a man
anna – who is already a husband
to every wife in this town
smiling cunningly she doesn’t say a word
facial expression that of a fox
anna anna be happy I suppose
(I speak, yet I do not feel)
along with this ticket
we got cought in the rain
and the colors, the colors
they got washed away
and the letters, the letters
got blown away
white leaves scattered around.
and the portrait, the portrait
ran down to the ground
ran down along with the rain
for a split second I was engulfed with fear
for the autumn of your death resembles this day
(translated bu L.Berezovskaya)
We hear: tuberculosis dispensary, write: a lunatic asylum
A pair of weeks approximately and you can be dreamed of easily
In lilies, in wet waterweed, or in greedy mud of the bayou
You will be peeping and sleeping, in your shoes with a bubbling sound
hear: a concert by people's request, write: a theatre near the mic
think just logical: how to count the bows at this all-night gig
with your face scraping the pavement, hear a violin out of tune
everything is upturned - but even this way I'm well
hear: a black market trade, write: a seasonal sale
of one's own body - summer - I didn't save much anyway
not even a sugar-basin, a toy plush dog or a kitten,
or even a black silver spoon - hence these vitamin pills I'm eatin'.
(translated by Georgy Manaev)
* * *
but anna
anna is getting married
anna will be a wife to a man
anna – who is already a husband
to every wife in this town
smiling cunningly she doesn’t say a word
facial expression that of a fox
anna anna be happy I suppose
(I speak, yet I do not feel)
along with this ticket
we got cought in the rain
and the colors, the colors
they got washed away
and the letters, the letters
got blown away
white leaves scattered around.
and the portrait, the portrait
ran down to the ground
ran down along with the rain
for a split second I was engulfed with fear
for the autumn of your death resembles this day
(translated bu L.Berezovskaya)
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